Paragraph Titles Outline

Section I: Content Overview

1. Executive Summary

A. Presentation Sum-up

B. Basic Conclusions

2. Logistical Organization and Structure of Paper

A. General Overview

B. Interactive Sustainable Paper

3. Introduction

A. Sustaining What? Sustaining Life!

B. Changing Ourselves

C. Understanding the Individual and the Collective

Section II: Case Studies in the Progression of Sustainable Living

1. Organizations of a Collective Movement

A. The Beginnings of a Sustainability Movement at UC Santa Cruz

B. Collective Sustainability Movement Year 1 & 2

C. Collective Sustainability Movement Year 3

D. A Bumpy Ride

2. Sustaining Personal Involvement in the Movement

A. Individual Case Study

B. Storing Energy

3. Sustainable Living in the Education System

A. Education Evolution


C. Feedback on the Lectures

D. Action Research Teams

E. The Methodology of the Class

F. Retreats

4. Academia & the Movement’s Vision

A. Getting to The Cause of Our Problems

B. The Larger Vision

Section III: The Development of Conscious Systemic Change

1. Introduction to Conscious Shifting

A. Think Local, Global, and Universal, Act In Balance

B. Open Systems and Interdependence

C. Introduction to Principles and Concepts of Sustainable Living

2. Principles of Sustainable Living

A. Principle

B. Balance

C. Spectrums

D. Intention

E. Hope

F. Trust

G. Time

3. Concepts of Sustainable Living

A. Concept

B. Collaboration is the Gateway to Change

C. Learn Only to Guide

D. A Landfill is a Recycling & Composting Center Waiting to be Organized

E. Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Health & Safety

F. Release to Relax, Forgive to Be Happy

G. Grounding Yourself in the Garden, You Are What YOU Eat

H. Look Inward to Find Common Sense

Section IV: Beyond Sustainable Living

1. Thriving Life

A.     Why Sustainable Living Isn't Enough

B.      Beyond Sustainable to Thriving Life

C. Balance of Everything Beyond Life Itself