Sustainable Living Outline and Paper Logistics
-Executive Summary (1 page)
-Contents (1 page)
(Relationship between sustainability and Living, and the difference between them showcasing the similarities {this is not a paper on sustainability and what it is, no definition of cause or crisis})- (the conscious paradim shift is the essence of sustainability to change the way in which we look at the world and the way we make goals and achieve them.? building community?) (1 pages)
- Organization and structure of paper, how to use (1 page)
- Case studies and personal activity in sustainable movement
Writing a sustainable paper, Individual ownership and freedom, Organization collective movement (SEC...) (What went into working on that level or sustaining myself in those organizations.) (3pages)
- Focus of sustainable living in the education system (Individual vs. collective sustainable living) (2 pages)
- Introduction to Conscious shifting (spectrums, humans as part of nature.) (1 page) systems, Hope, interdependence, intention
-Principles of Sustainable Living (2 pages)
-Concepts of Sustainable Living (2 pages)
-Beyond sustainable to thriving life
What next (the next steps of this work, How to go) (1 page) (? Community as a foundation)
-Glossary (organizational references and concepts at a quick glance) (2 pages)
-Index to Appendices (1 page)
Total length: 18 pages
- First paper on "new" living and Sustainable Development
- Paper on SEC
- Other referenced work from organizations with index
#13 Paper Logistics: Writing the paper
Before I get into reading ESLP Papers, I would quickly like to put a few words about what I would see some of the paper logistics to look like.
I would like my senior thesis to be as short as possible. There will be an executive summary no longer than one page to explain the dialogue and concluding remarks. Then the rest will be as short and to the point as possible. I am guessing it will not be able to be any shorter than 15-20 pages. I will start with a one-page contents/ outline, with the beginning of an executive summary (that will change a thousand times). That will be no longer than two pages. Then I will write 4 pages for the entire thesis. Then add in a couple more to make it 6. Then 10, then 15. Stay at 15 for a while, and then maybe start adding a little more, in a couple of locations, but not too many.
#33 Organization of the Paper
I believe that the paper should be organized and be approachable from many different perspectives and accessible to any particular topic of the entire thesis. For example each paragraph should have a title just as each section and part as seen in the SEC paper. Each sentence will also have a written description of the key words or concepts brought up in it. This will be described/ be available in the detailed outline. There will also be an Overall Outline, a General Outline, a Main outline etc. I don't know exactly what they will be called, but it will make since on some level. There will be at least three outlines, probably four. That is why it is so important to make sure the paper isn't too long, because it isn't easy to make all the outlines and descriptions of the paper, but this will make it accessible to any detail of the information in the thesis for people who aren't into reading the entire thing. There also needs to be a glossary with all the key concepts and ideas where a little more information could be available. Also the entire thesis should be organized and written to be available, accessible, and navigatable on the web as the primary version. There should be a downloadable version in word and PDF based on the web version. There should also be the ability to interact with the thesis and give real time comments on any segment or issue brought up in the thesis, or be able to fix minor errors (or at least propose them).
Key topics: Accessibility, outlines/title descriptions, glossary, web version as primary version of thesis, interactive component
Concepts vs. Principles and connection to Sustainability vs. Sustainable Living.
Concepts and Principles are two separate ideas, and of course there is definitions. It is very important to make a clear distinction between sustainability, and sustainable living. This in turn still isn't a very good example of what the focus of the thesis could be, but I will have to go more into that later. A principle of sustainability is a founding shift of understanding that underlies all aspects of internal education personal and or collective. Concepts of lessons and examples of how to apply this to your life in the form of action, and are much more tangible groupings showing how they work.
#16 The four categories of sustainability:
All ideas of sustainability fall into one of four categories: movement, practice, cosmology, and choice. Movement: environmental and natural resource conservation (involving: activists, politicians, the media, and economists). Practice: individual daily lives, state of mindfulness and consciousness, actively aware, role model for youth generations. Cosmology: earth was a sustainable place for billions of years; humans have set a break, and natural law dictates sustainability. Choice: there is no set of rules, you can start with yourself, this choice is the same freewill that has gotten us into trouble, but it is the same freewill that can bring us back again-Jay Chen, Tracy Da Lomba
Sustainable Living Outline and Paper Logistics
-Executive Summury (1 page)
-Contents (1 page)
(relationship between sustainability and Living, and the difference between them showcasing the similarities {this is not a paper on sustinability and what it is, no definition of cause or crisis})- (the concious paradim shift is the essance of sustainability to change the way in which we look at the world and the way we make goals and achive them.? building community?) (1 pages)
- Organization and structure of paper, how to use (1 page)
- Case studies and personal activity in sustainable movement
Writing a sustainable paper, Individual ownership and freedom, Organization collective movment(SEC...) (What went into working on that level or sustainaing myself in those organizations.) (3pages)
- Focus of sustainable living in the education system (Individual vs. collective sustainable living) (2 pages)
- Introduction to Concious shifting (spectrums, humans as part of nature..) (1 page) systems, Hope, interdependence, intention
-Principles of Sustainable Living (2 pages)
-Concepts of Sustainable Living (2 pages)
-Beyond sustainable to thriving life
What next (the next steps of this work, How to go ) (1 page) (? Community as a foundation)
-Glossary (organizational references and conepts at a quick glance) (2 pages)
-Index to Apendicies (1 page)
Total lenth: 18 pages
- First paper on "new" living and Sustainable Development
- Paper on SEC
- Other referenced work from organizations with index
#13 Paper Logistics: Writing the paper
Before I get into reading ESLP Papers, I would quickly like to put a few words about what I would see some of the paper logistics to look like.
I would like my senior thesis to be as short as possible. there will be a executive summary no longer than one page to explain the diolouge and concluding remarks. Then the rest will be as short and to the point as possible. I am guessing it will not be able to be any shorter than 15-20 pages. I will start with a one page contents/ outline, with the begining of a executive summary (that will change a thousand times). That will be no longer than two pages. Then I will write 4 pages for the entire thesis. Then add in a couple more to make it 6. Then 10, then 15. Stay at 15 for a while, and then maybe start adding a little more, in a couple of locations, but not too many.
#33 Organization of the Paper
I belive that the paper should be organized and be aproachable from many different perspectives and accessable to any particular topic of the entire thesis. For example each paragraph should have a title just as each section and part as seen in the SEC paper. Each sentice will also have a writen discription of the key words or concepts brought up in it. This will be described/ be avilable in the detailed outline. There will also be a Overall Outline, a General Outline, a Main outline etc. I don't know exactly what they will be called, but it will make sence on some level. There will be at least three outlines, probobly four. That is why it is so important to make sure the paper isn't too long, because it isn't easy to make all the outlines and discriptions of the paper, but this will make it accessable to any detail of the information in the thesis for people who aren't into reading the entire thing. There also needs to be a glossary with all the key concepts and ideas where a little more information could be avilable. Also the entire thesis should be organized and writen to be available, accessable, and navigatable on the web as the primary version. There should be a dounloadable version in word and PDF based on the web version. There should also be the ability to interact with the thsesis and give real time comments on any segment or issue brought up in the thseis, or be able to fix minor errors (or at least propose them).
Key topics: Accessability, outlines/title discriptions, glossary, web version as primary version of thesis, interactive component
Concepts vs. Principles and connection to Sustainability vs Sustainable Living.
Concepts and Principles are two seperate ideas, and of course there is definitions. It is very important to make a clear distinction between sustinability, and sustinable lving. This in turn still isn't a very good example of what the focus of the thesis could be, but I will have to go more into that later. A principle of sustainability is a founding shift of understanding that underlies all aspects of internal education personal and or collective. Concepts of lessions and examples of how to apply this to your life in the form of action, and are much more tangible groupings showing how they work.
#16 The four categories of sustainability:
All ideas of sustainability fall into one of four categories: movement, practice, cosmology, and choice. Movement: environmental and natural resource conservation (invovling:activists, politicians, the media, and economists). Practicie: individual dayily lives, state of mindfulness and consciousness, activley aware, role model for youth generations. Cosmology: earth was a sustainable blace for bilions of years, humans have set a break, natural law dictates sustainability. Choice: there is no set of rules, you can start with yourself,this choice is the same freewill that has gotten us into trouble, but it is the same freewill that can bring us back again-Jay Chen, Tracy Da Lomba