Sustainable Living Journal

By Jacob Cabrera

First Entry- Day 1- April 15th, 2004

#1 Overall situation.
Although I am starting a bit late in the quarter, and there are only seven weeks left, with constant entries, and because of all the material I have previously worked on, I should be well on my way to completing my senior thesis.

#2 Inability to write enough
It is very difficult to have time to write, and I have been feeling a bit sick recently so I'm going to go to bed and hopefully have more time tomorrow. I have lots of ideas and wanting to put into this journal though. I wish I wasn't so tired and sick. There is a lot I haven't been getting done.

#3 Approval of Spring 2004 Independent Senior Thesis
Really quickly. I met with Steve Gliessman and he approved my senior thesis independent study for the quarter. He also gave me some good ideas.

Day 3-April 17th, 2004- 10pm

#4 Been Busy
I was unable to get to my journal yesterday. I was quite busy, and my family came to town so that added to my not having time. I cannot recollect what I did for sustainable living yesterday. Very little I guess.

#5 CSC Meeting
Today I had a Campus Sustainability Council (CSC) Steering Committee meeting. It was very productive. We worked on the governing documents mainly, and made some great progress. I believe we could be done soon. Unfortunately this is one of one hundred things I need to be working on, so it may be a problem getting it completed in time.

#6 Outline of next entries:
Right now I would like to go over a few entries:
-reading ESLP papers
-Steve's ideas
-my predicament with this thesis and situation
There are many other things I could depict, but this will get me started.

#7 *My predicament with this thesis and situation*
So this journal is to help me guide my thoughts in the writing of my senior thesis. I have been working on the idea of this thesis for over three years. There have been many things holding me back to move forward with it, but in the end there are a few things that seem to come up over and over. One is that I myself am changing so fast, and am so involved with such an extraordinary number of projects and organizations, that what I once believed sustainable living to be, no longer encompasses it. As I have been learning, it has occurred to me, that many of the ideas, projects and concepts that I believed to be under or within sustainable living, are actually outside of it. Sustainable Living is only one small aspect of Sustainability, and Sustainability is only one seventh of the world, which I have begun to organize for myself. But the process of organizing my world and thinking of new ways to exist and organize does come under the ospis of sustainability, and therefore it might be possible to underline it in a simple way during my thesis.

#8 Two aspects of Sustainability:
There are two main aspects that I see to sustainability, and therefore to Sustainable Living (and really any realm of life). One is the personal/individual understanding and organization. The other is the multiple or societal collective understanding and organization. Each is equally important, but the collective understanding is based and grounded in each person individual understanding added to that collective. Therefore it is, and will be, important to begin and create a foundation with the individual in mind.

#9 Realms of life and reorganization:
Through reorganizing my individual understanding of my life, I have come to realize that sustainability is one of seven realms. This is only one way of organizing a life, and is specific for how I organize my own; every person could have a different way of doing so. The realms are: Dreams, Journey, Sustainability, community, Government, Business, and all of them put together create a realm of itself: LIFE. So that organizational structure, or the way that it relates to the world is not what is important to this thesis. What is important is that I took it upon myself, in a manner of sustainable living, to reorganize the way in which I looked at my life, to better understand it and be more effective in what I do. How I did this is of great importance, although it still my not be included in my thesis. Some of this work might be useful for comparative analysis. For example, Dreams are not always real, the Journey is everything in motion through a path, and Sustainability is the sustained existence of everything individually, and also collectively. Community and so forth becomes much more complex.

#10 Complex situation and past work done on Thesis
Furthermore my situation is more complicated by the work that I have already done. I have over 50 pages of writing which encompasses a variety of aspects of sustainable Living, interlinked with the start up, running and operations of the Student Environmental Center (SEC). There are many more documents, which back up this paper. Unfortunately it is not written that well, and as I have learned more about the organization of my life which gives distinct and explicit understanding in the difference between a community organization, and sustainability on the individual or collective level. Although the SEC is involved in community sustainability, it in and of itself does not exist in the realm of sustainability, and more specifically sustainable living. That does not mean it won't be part of my senior thesis, it definitely will, but it will be cast in a light of collective sustainability and used as an example. As well as the new Education for Sustainable Living Program (ESLP), which is a product of the SEC here at UCSC, where it will be beneficial to use examples of individual lessons in sustainable living.

#11 Conclusion of Ownership and Freedom for paper
I could go on forever on my current situation, but that is what applied to the thesis as of now. For a quick conclusion, my feeling is that this senior thesis that I am going to write, must be, in and of itself, sustainable, and exist in the realm of sustainable living itself. There must be complete personal and individual ownership. This bring freedom of expression and a much desired ability to completely scrap, and re-scrap everything, and possibly change around the entire concept whenever it is needed. There is so much that entails sustainable living, there is no telling what the end product might be, but I do know that what ever ends up on the final cutting board, will change right after, and the final executive summary, will have to be the last thing rewritten, after the rest of the paper has changed.

#12 Outline and morphing of thesis and *Steve's Ideas*
These ideas aren't anything new. They are the same ones he's been telling me all along. Mainly that I need to have an outline for my paper. There is no problem in having an outline and being structured. It is just that this outline, which I will be creating, will be changing. One of the main problems I had before is that I created an outline and couldn't bring myself to change it because that was what we had agreed upon. But hopefully Steve will understand the importance of personal individual ownership, and allow me to change and do whatever I need at any time, even if it means that the next draft has a completely different conclusion or dialogue/ argument, than the one before it. Other than that, Steve just encouraged me to collect my thoughts, and went over the crucial fact that a good thesis will have tons of material and documents, which aren’t in the final product at all. Steve also mentioned that this should serve as the capstone to my entire work that I have been doing throughout my college career. It should include and bring together all the work that I have done.

#13 Paper Logistics: Writing the paper
Before I get into reading ESLP Papers, I would quickly like to put a few words about what I would see some of the paper logistics to look like.
I would like my senior thesis to be as short as possible. There will be an executive summary no longer than one page to explain the dialogue and concluding remarks. Then the rest will be as short and to the point as possible. I am guessing it will not be able to be any shorter than 15-20 pages. I will start with a one-page contents/ outline, with the beginning of an executive summary (that will change a thousand times). That will be no longer than two pages. Then I will write 4 pages for the entire thesis. Then add in a couple more to make it 6. Then 10, then 15. Stay at 15 for a while, and then maybe start adding a little more, in a couple of locations, but not too many.

#14 Journal Guidelines:
One short comment on how this journal should be written: if a paragraph or section is not complete, then it should end up in the next days entry as it becomes completed there. This will bring continuity and clarity. Each entry/paragraph will get a number and short title afterwards, which will index it and make it reference able. There is no need to put the number or the title to each entry at the moment of writing it. It is ok to go back to past entries and add minor details or corrections. The main goal is that the entry just has to be finished before it can count for that day and time. Otherwise it stays under the line in the category of unfinished or entries to be made. It is also an option to add a line at the end of an entry for Key topics, which are gone over in that entry, which are possibly in need of more discussion or further entries. This should be done in the order they appear in the entry.
Key Topics: completion of entries, continuity & clarity, title and number of entries, index, reference ability, corrections to entries, the unfinished entries, key topics

#15 *ESLP reading of Papers* (and a little on the class)
Our class for ESLP has over 150 people in it. Every week students turn in papers on the lectures the week before, and there are many interesting accounts for me to work with for my senior thesis. I will write in comments as I read through them. As for the first speaker which is what the papers are based on, some of his main points included the understanding that sustainability was like Zen, the universal energy which connects all things together, and gives each one its own life source. Naturally anything connected to it acts in a sustainable way. Yet somehow our society has disconnected ourselves with the natural source of all energy, and we are out of sink. It is very simple to reconnect; we just have to believe that we are sustainable. He encouraged us to make one drawn in our houses sustainable, and clean it etc. Each act in and of itself must have the intention of being sustainable, as opposed to an out come of such. It is in process that makes a changing world go.

Day 4 - April 18th, 2004 9am

#16 The four categories of sustainability:
All ideas of sustainability fall into one of four categories: movement, practice, cosmology, and choice. Movement: environmental and natural resource conservation (involving: activists, politicians, the media, and economists). Practice: individual daily lives, state of mindfulness and consciousness, actively aware, role model for youth generations. Cosmology: earth was a sustainable place for billions of years; humans have set a break, and natural law dictates sustainability. Choice: there is no set of rules, you can start with yourself, this choice is the same freewill that has gotten us into trouble, but it is the same freewill that can bring us back again-Jay Chen, Tracy Da Lomba

#17 Anything new is never perfect, earth has everything for coexistence:
Any new method created will never be perfect, but how much improvement will be accomplished by this new method. Earth has given us the resources to exist here, and we have everything we need to coexist with our friends from the animal kingdom (we are a part of the animal kingdom) and we can seldom coexist with ourselves. -Jamie Colato

#18 Need for federal funding of alternatives
For sustainable technologies like solar to become institutionalized and cheaper, our federal government must be supported by the community to uphold solar power and other alternative forms. Right now we are 99 percent oil based, and very few research dollars go into alternatives. This issue is a community/government issue, and only falls under the category of sustainable living in the collective progress of using alternatives.

#19 Is the earth a closed system?
The earth is a closed system, the energy we have today, is the same energy we've had since the planet was formed. I'm not sure I believe this because the sun continues to bring more energy every day. Open systems interact with the surrounding; a meteor could hit earth anytime.

#20 A little on life and connection
Basic needs include food and shelter, but they must be kept simple. We indulge in our basic needs in this country. The most essential needs of all,: care and affection amongst each other. There is a harmony that one can enjoy with the natural world, something that nothing can come in between. No matter what surrounds it, there will always be a line drawn to connect it.

#21 Holy cleaning and Belief
Cleaning can be one of the holiest acts. The sponge to a plastic container to recycle it... "We are part of the universe thinking about the universe, we are the stars thinking about the stars"-Laurence. One is as sustainable as they believe themselves to be.

#22 The solution to sustainability (un) is not sus but community and gov.
The Solution to sustainability doesn't necessarily have anything to do with sustainability, or sustainable living. The problem you see is unsustainability and the disconnect of the natural law of energy and balance in our society. Therefore the true solutions are in building community and supporting an active government that supports the earth.

Day 5- April 19th 2004 4:20pm

#23 Interconnectedness of sustainability
Sustainability is interconnectedness with ourselves, energy, nature and the entire universe from the beginning of time. Think local, global, and universal, act in balance. But with sustainable living, individual people become in and of themselves independent in that they are owners of themselves, and have total freedom of will. Yet at the same time they are interdependent.

# 24 Hope
Hope is what keeps people going, persistent, and keeps people from quitting.

#25 SEC Article in Santa Cruz Sentinel
Yesterday, Sunday, April 18th, the Student Environmental Center was on the front page of the Santa Cruz Sentinel for a special on Earth Days. It discussed Marcia Winslade, ESLP, CSSC, and the Green Building Policy.

#26 Journal and Time Issues
This journal, and because I have such a small amount of time to write in it everyday, is very difficult to keep up, in and of itself. I hope it is not too cumbersome to write about many of these issues even through they might not end up in my thesis.

#27 List of Topics:

April 19th, 2004, 10:43pm: Entry II

#28 No Time to Write ON ESLP and My Mind Is Changing
I feel that tonight’s ESLP class was wonderful. It is difficult that I have not had time to write about the ESLP class; hence that is one of the main focuses of this journal and thesis. But I believe it would be beneficial to go into more detail about what exactly I would like to write for my senior thesis. I'm feeling more and more that it isn't going to be focused on the list of topics in entry #27.

#29 Concepts vs. Principles of sustainable, what the thesis could be focused on.
There are many things I could write on or about. One of the main ideas I have had since I first started thinking about Sustainable Living was that it would almost be like a Manuel titled, the Principles of Sustainability Living. Since then I have learned that there are many other types of possibilities for example: concepts of sustainable living. Concepts and Principles are two separate ideas, and of course there is definitions. It is very important to make a clear distinction between sustainability, and sustainable living. This in turn still isn't a very good example of what the focus of the thesis could be, but I will have to go more into that later. A principle of sustainability is a founding shift of understanding that underlies all aspects of internal education personal and or collective. Concepts of lessons and examples of how to apply this to your life in the form of action, and are much more tangible groupings showing how they work.

#30 How to deal with so much information
There is no question that this senior thesis is going to be about a lot of information. It almost seems like it could be very overwhelming, especially if it isn't very long. As Steve said, it is always good to have a lot of back up for a paper, and it is very possible that I could have a lot of information that wasn't in the thesis that it referred to, or that was hinted at. Therefore the focus could be more clear and concise.

#31 Key topics to have in thesis according to Steve.
Some of the topics that Steve laid out that seemed like good candidates for things that need or should be covered would be: All of the endless organizations that I have been a part of and have contributed to this work. What went into working on that level or sustaining myself in those organizations?

#32 Ending with a glimpse at the future direction of my work
Also it would be good to end with a glimpse at the future, kind of like this journal is going to be talking about the next journal of Life. This would include discussing the difficulty of making distinctions between Sustainable Living and life in general. In some ways Sustainable Living is the intersection between life and sustainability.

#33 Organization of the Paper
I believe that the paper should be organized and be approachable from many different perspectives and accessible to any particular topic of the entire thesis. For example each paragraph should have a title just as each section and part as seen in the SEC paper. Each sentence will also have a written description of the key words or concepts brought up in it. This will be described/ be available in the detailed outline. There will also be an Overall Outline, a General Outline, a Main outline etc. I don't know exactly what they will be called, but it will make since on some level. There will be at least three outlines, probably four. That is why it is so important to make sure the paper isn't too long, because it isn't easy to make all the outlines and descriptions of the paper, but this will make it accessible to any detail of the information in the thesis for people who aren't into reading the entire thing. There also needs to be a glossary with all the key concepts and ideas where a little more information could be available. Also the entire thesis should be organized and written to be available, accessible, and navigatable on the web as the primary version. There should be a downloadable version in word and PDF based on the web version. There should also be the ability to interact with the thesis and give real time comments on any segment or issue brought up in the thesis, or be able to fix minor errors (or at least propose them).
Key topics: Accessibility, outlines/title descriptions, glossary, and web version as primary version of thesis, interactive component

#34 Difficulty in writing in journal & Dilemma between Life and Sustainability
It has been very difficult writing in this journal and not having enough time to do so. There is so much that I am unable to write about that happened today, and there is little to nothing I can do about that. It is very late, and I have been sick. Writing in the journal also takes away from my life, which brings up more issues between Life and Sustainability. Some of what I didn't do right now is exercise, and sleeping, and meditation ECT, that would help me in many of the endeavors of the rest of my life. This will be an ongoing dilemma I am pretty sure and could even possibly be incorporated into the thesis as long as it is in the focus of Sustainable Living. I have to get up early so I'm signing off.

Day 8, April 22nd, 2004, Earth Day

#35 Little Time to Prepare to Meet
You would think that on earth day, I would have lots of time to concentrate on issues like these. but I don't. Today I am going to meet with Steve so I am going to try to get done as much as I can in the 14 minutes that my computer has battery power. Luckily Steve has a connection that I can use when I meet with him. I am going to try to make a type of outline to show him what I've been doing.

#36 Possible topics of the paper would include:
-Executive Summary (1 page)
-Contents (1 page)
-Introduction (relationship between sustainability and Living, and the difference between them showcasing the similarities {this is not a paper on sustainability and what it is, no definition of cause or crisis})- (the conscious paradigm shift is the essence of sustainability to change the way in which we look at the world and the way we make goals and achieve them.? building community?) (1 pages)
- Organization and structure of paper, how to use (1 page)
- Case studies and personal activity in sustainable movement, Writing a sustainable paper, Individual ownership and freedom, Organization collective movement (SEC..) (What went into working on that level or sustaining myself in those organizations.) (3pages)
- Focus of sustainable living in the education system (Individual vs. collective sustainable living) (2 pages)
- Introduction to Conscious shifting (spectrums, humans as part of nature..) (1 page) systems, Hope, interdependence, intention
-Principles of Sustainable Living (2 pages)
-Concepts of Sustainable Living (2 pages)
-What next (the next steps of this work, How to go beyond sustainable to thriving life) (1 page) (? Community as a foundation)
-Glossary (organizational references and concepts at a quick glance) (2 pages)
-Index to Appendices (1 page)
Total length: 18 pages
- First paper on "new" living and Sustainable Development
- Paper on SEC
- Other referenced work from organizations with index

April 30th

#37 Balance
Balance is the focal point of all life and is a core factor in sustainability like that of all relms of life. The fact that I haven’t mentioned this word at all until this far in my journal is amazing. It is crucial that balance is a focus of this thesis and is included in all aspects including future ones.

May 1

#38 Definitions of Concept vs. Principle
Today while meeting with Steve, our main discussion was about the difference between a concept and a principle. I decided that I would look the two up:

con·cept n
1.          something that somebody has thought up, or that somebody might be able to imagine.
Also called conception
2.          a broad abstract idea or a guiding general principle, such as one that determines how a person or culture behaves, or how nature, reality, or events are perceived
3.          the most basic understanding of something
4.          a method, plan, or type of product or design
Key words: imagination, thought, abstract, general, guide, behavior, perception, basic, method, plan

prin·ci·ple n
1.          an important underlying law or assumption required in a system of thought
2.          a standard of moral or ethical decision-making
3.          the basic way in which something works
4.          the primary source of something
5.          an ingredient of a substance that gives the substance a particular quality
Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Keywords: law, assumption, thought, moral, ethics, decision-making, basic, primary, source, ingredient, quality

Overlap: thought, basic, These words can be ignored but it is interestesting that the common vocabulary between a concept and principle is a basic thought.
Concept: An imaginative abstract perception used as a general guide, plan, or method of behavior.
Principle: The primary source or ingredient for moral and ethical laws, assumptions, [or beliefs] used for quality decision-making.

These definitions are much better than what I had before, but I believe I was generally right with what my perception was. Mainly I had a feeling that concepts would be tangible steps that people could take to change their behavior.
I also believe it is very interesting that Concepts vs. Principles fall in line with the same understanding between, sustainability vs. sustainable living, as well as individual vs. collective. Each can be applied to a group or person, but sustainability, principles seem to relate more with the larger understanding and consciousness of the collective, and Concepts and sustainable living seem to relate more with individual evolution. The individual evolution through, is the basis for the larger understanding and consciousness.

May 2st

# 39 Some next steps
I did some writing on some paper that last couple of days and hopefully will have a chance to input it into this journal. believe the next steps are to actually start writing some outlines for the different sections of the thesis. This should be able to be done pretty quickly. This draft will need to be emailed to Steve as soon as possible.

May 3rd

#40 Principles of Sustainable Living
-Intro- with definition and overview/ purpose
The primary source or ingredient for moral and ethical laws, assumptions, [or beliefs] used for quality decision-making.
These principles can be used on a personal level or collective level.
- Balance- everything is balanced, up to the highest levels. give and take, good and evil, foster balance, understand that balance everything exists within, each of us has good and evil inside. Light includes everything. Death brings life. Life brings life, and sometimes death brings more death.
- Spectrums- Although you only need two things to create balance, good evil... to live sustainably, you must understand where you exist in relation to everything around you. Therefore nothing is black or white, there is always a spectrum of colors. There are always many options available, and each must be considered. Levels of spectrums.
- Intention- Everything must be done with intention and understood. Only with intention does an action speak for itself, no, enacting a plan with a purpose, instead of just going with it because there isn't enough time to do something else. Truly believe in what you do, and allow a community too also.
- Interdependence?

#41 Concepts of Sustainable Living
Concept: An imaginative abstract perception used as a general guide, plan, or method of behavior. These are tangible examples of how to apply principles of sustainable living into practice. These are meant to be able bring systemic change within a system.
- Waste Prevention- Cycle of production
- Teaching/Learning?
- Cleaning
- Organizing
- Health
- Relaxing/releasing
- Common Sense
-Not all of these will end up being concepts, some of this is just a brainstorm.

May 5th

#42 Writing the first Draft
Now that I have started writing the first draft, I feel that my journal will take less of a role in the experience. It seems that I will put most of my focus in to the actual drafts of the thesis as opposed to writing entries. I will try to continue to include entries when able. But really writing the actual drafts takes the new roll of the journal.

May 6th

#43 Editing Rough Drafts
There are a few things that go into editing the drafts of the paper. First of all as it becomes more of a web application, it will be saving the websites themselves. Hopefully this wont be that hard to figure out. Everything else is basically the same, but today I am interested in getting the next rough draft together, so that when I meet with Steve he can see how that might look.

#44 Process
Should process and how we do things be part of the main aspects of sustainable living. It seems that how we do things is more important than what we do. Everyone should and has the free will to do what they want. We can tell people what to do. WE can only give recommendations on how to do what they want to do. That is the general basis of principles and concepts. Furthermore doing things with intention is extremely important. So process would either go under the Intention part or it would go under its own part.

#45 Steve ideas that must be incorporated into the Thesis
I just had an insightful, productive meeting with Steve. It went very well and he had some very interesting and deep comments and suggestions. He was very excited and fond of the clarified understanding of the difference between concepts and principles.
First he wanted me to explain exactly why section II is before section 3 in that the experiences explained in section II lead up to the realization and understanding of the concepts and principles presented in section three.
Principles of ecology are presented in the concept of ecosystems.
Principles of sustainability are imbedded in the concept of a sustainable ecosystem.
Steve explained a good way to bring more depth into the comparison was that assumptions are principles, and concepts are rooted in action.
Intention needs to clarify why something needs to be done as well as process.
Steve had this great Idea of connecting back the Concepts of sustainable Living to the Case studies to allow for a fluid approach.
An executive summary: what is most a person will read before stopping and still get the core of it. It has more detail than an abstract and may need to be longer than a page.
The Introduction has three parts: What’s the situation, Why important, the plan to be presented.
Sustainability is a type of oxymoron because you can sustain something for a period of time that’s not sustainable. IT is about producing a quality example.
He talked a bit about beyond sustainable, but I'm not sure he understood exactly where I was coming from. He said something about it being beyond the concepts. Bring the assumptions from the principles into the concepts to create good changes. Hopefully he will like my ideas of where I'm taking this.

#46 Log and Logististics
Save all the time. I forgot to save enough and I lost about 4 journal entries when the program crashed. Ooops

#47 Rough Drafts
It will be a great practice that any time I want to do brainstorm writing, I will take the section of the draft, and past the topic or the writing into the journal and do my brainstorming there. Then it will all be saved and will allow better flow. Many times when writing directly into the draft I hit writers block because I'm worried about it being perfect.

May 11th

#48 The New Paradigm
I went to the most amazing workshop at the Whole Earth Festival in Davis. IT turns out this festival was founded one year before Earth Day in 1969 and is the original founder. One of the Co-founders, Jose Aguilera?, has been involved in a global movement to redefine the way understand time and the definition of the physical world. The equation which was given is like this: E(T)=Art. Energy Factored (or fractled) by Time is equal to Art. There is a lot that goes into this, but the outcome of it is an entirely new way of the foundational organization of our society, which is the calendar. The global movement is to change the present calendar on a person-to-person basis, to a 13 month 28 day calendar. Just a few of the benefits include that everyday of every month of every year is the same number and the same day of the week. So the first day of every month is a Sunday. and the last day of every month is a Saturday. The other cool benefit is the Global holiday called "day of of time" 13 times 28 = 364, and the 365th day is the day out of time that has no number or day of the week. We just have a global celebration. This new calendar system is not new at all, it is based off of the Mayan calendar and many indigenous cultures that still use it today, and even more used it before our calendar system was adopted by the Romans and imposed on the rest of the world. So I might find a way of putting this into the thesis.

May 20th

#49 Overwhelmed at the End of the Quarter
I have been having a really hard time writing in my journal and working on my thesis. I believe it is because we are getting to the end of the quarter and CSSC convergence is coming up, massive budgets, which I have never worked on before, and much else is going on in my life. I didn't even get to go to Steve's office hours today, so I will have to email him what I have worked on. I am very excited though on working more on the thesis.

May 21st

#50 Next Steps
I'm not sure how much I would like to get done on my thesis today. It would be nice to have a draft on about three sections minimum. The following ones will probably be where I start my efforts. I would also love to feel done enough with the content that I could move towards working on the outlines, as well as the journal matrix. Hopefully everything works well.

#51 Organizations part of a Collective Movement
My involvement in the movement is many organizations, so many in fact that there is no way that I can talk about all of them in may paper. Luckily it will be possible to talk mainly about the ones that have to do with the Sustainable Living Movement. This includes (and should go into the glossary): SEC, CSSC, UCSSC, UCSCCSSC,ESLP, UCSCESLP, UC Regents, UCOP, CSC, there should also be a quick reference to the organizations that aren’t part of the collective Movement. like earth first. I do know that for this section I would like to focus on the organizations and not me at all. But I am not sure how to relay the information about this collective movement in totality. I know I will start with some information about the SEC paper. Cut and paste from the SECpaper.
The Beginnings of a Sustainability Movement at UC Santa Cruz
The collective movement for sustainability at UC Santa Cruz was slow coming. For years there were many attempts at students and staff alike in making individual efforts to improve the sustainability of our campus and society. Student groups would come and go, and information would be lost, breaking continuity throughout campus and the community. Then in the Summer of 2001, a student named Jessian Choy founded the Student Environmental Center (SEC), based off of the CU Boulder SEC, in an attempt to bring continuity and a central location to the movement at UC Santa Cruz. This brought about the ability to have multiple organizations and projects all working together to improve the sustainability of the campus. Within three years the momentum has grown exponentially with ripples across the state of California and the nation.
Collective Sustainability Movement Year 1 & 2
The first year the SEC focused on foundation, a Board of Advisors, and getting a ballot measure passed to help fund the efforts. The first Annual Campus Earth Summit was put on, along with a successful Campus Earth Festival. The next summer leaders worked with Greenpeace to start a statewide UC Go Solar campaign, founding the California Student Sustainability Coalition (CSSC). At UC Santa Cruz, the SEC founded three campaigns, the UCSC SEC CSSC chapter of the statewide coalition, Student for Organic Solutions (SOS), and Waste Prevention. In one year, the students improved knowledge about organic foods, educated about waste prevention, got a $3 per student per quarter ballot measure passed to create the Campus Sustainability Council (CSC) as part of student government, and helped the state wide coalition to successfully lobby the UC Regents to pass a Green Building Policy and Renewable Energy Standard. Also the second Campus Earth Summit was a success, with an even bigger Campus Earth Festival.
Collective Sustainability Movement Year 3
Right after the UC Regents passed the sustainability policy, the California Sustainability Advisory Council (CSAC) was founded as the Advisory Board for the CSSC. The CSSC founded two new statewide campaigns, Move UC, focused on transportation, and the Education for Sustainable Living Program (ESLP), focused on curriculum. During the year the California State University system joined the CSSC, and the University of California Student Sustainability Coalition (UCSSC) evolved as the UC branch. At UC Santa Cruz the CSC was founded as a funding body within the student government, the UCSC SEC ESLP Chapter was founded, and an eventful Campus Earth Festival was put on. The most successful Campus Earth Summit, which was even attended by the Chancellor and Assemblyman Laird, was fully documented and became the first completed Blueprint for a Sustainable Campus. A staff and student coalition has been created to form a Blueprint Committee and a Chancellors Advisory Committee on Sustainability.
A Bumpy Ride
The magnitude and momentum created from this growth over the last three years is magical. These are entire organizations listed, not just projects, and each organization has many inter-related projects which are coordinated from a few crucial hubs like the SEC Steering Committee, and the Statewide Coordinator. As always, when you have this much going on, everything doesn't work out the way you want, and we have found ourselves coming back to many foundational communication and structure decisions which cannot be overlooked any further. For everything that goes wrong or fall through the cracks, there seems to be five that go right. In this time we find ourselves with a massive organizational collective, which should begin to slow down growth and ground itself into the earth and the community to re-collect and strategize its momentum.

#52 Sustaining Personal Involvement in the Movement and Individual Applications of Sustainable Living
My life has completely changed due to my involvement in community organizations involved in the sustainability movement. At some points I was going to eight meetings a day and working late at night.
Grounding, Support... The only way to ground the movement is to ground the people within it.
Set up for an Individual Case Study
As the writer of this paper, I have had a pivotal role in each of the listed student organizations, as well as many not listed. I was a founding member within the CSSC, UCSC SEC CSSC chapter, CSAC, ESLP, UCSC SEC ESLP chapter, CSC, was involved in each of the Campus Earth Summits and Festivals, and helped draft the beginnings of the Blueprint for a Sustainable Campus. How was I able to do all this and still stay sane, well maybe I wasn't sane to begin with, either way my involvement completely changed my life and effected my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. The more I learn, the more I understand the importance of grounding myself, and slowing down to allow my personal growth as a human being.
First three years of College
During my college career of six years, only second half of them were spend working on this collective movement. For the first three years, I spend much of my time grounding myself with YOGA, and into my family roots when I lived in Madrid, Spain with relatives where I first got an email about the founding of the SEC.

May 27th, 2004

#53 Check in
I have been working very hard to get through the end of this year. I am really slacking on my physics, and am worried about my final in that class. Nonetheless I must continue to write my thesis and get a completed draft so that I am able to continue my work on the outlines and the appendices. Hopefully it will come well.

#54 Sustainable Living in the Education System
This topic is extremely important and is the focal point of this project I am working on as it has to do with my education. I originally wanted to do an independent major on this topic, and I am hoping that some day we will be able to make it into a minor. There are so many areas that play into Sustainable Living and when united with a classroom environment, there is a magic that occurs which allows for an amazing experience for the student. One incredibly important principle of this experience is teaching and learning as a student who is teaching themselves to their classmates. I believe that for the importance of this section I will need to look deeply at the Resolution that I am writing in favor of the methodology of the ESLP program.
A Quick outline of this section could entail:
Introduction of what will be said, aka this:
Case study of the class, why so incredible, what happened
The lecturers
The Seminar and the Action Research Teams
The methodology of the class
The feedback from students was incredible. They would say to us that it is the first class they had every really taken, or the best class , or the first real class, or that it had changed their life. The material actually connects the dots. One of the facilitators said that it was the class that I always wanted to take, so I had to teach it.
Teaching as a means of learning, importance of student run
Structure and moving forward.
Here is a little more on each:
Case study of the class, why so incredible, what happened
The Education for Sustainable Living came out of an idea to have a lecture series from one campus , and the need for a class to pass along the knowledge gained over the last few years. So merging the two created an amazing class that got 5 UC campuses to work together to put on the a statewide lecture series to more than 500 students across the state.
The lecturers
each lecture brought in a different world or nationally famous speaker to talk about a variety of sustainability issues. including... England, Bolivia
The Seminar and the Action Research Teams
Many of the campuses contributed to making action research teams, some campuses even had a seminar class with many less students. What is an action research team, how related to public service, and group learning
The methodology of the class
As part of the sate wide strategy, we are assessing what made our class special and documenting it as the foundational methodology of teaching evolution. There are many parts to the methodology that are important, but the key factors understood so far are: experience learning, students teaching and engaging their own education, group learning, student research which is applicable to the community and society, and public service.
Teaching as a means of learning, importance of student run
having this program be student run and student taught is one of the most crucial principles involved . Only when students are control of their education in a balanced relationship with their professors, the education on both sides increases. IT is true that there can't be consensus on all issues, but it is unimportant for students to take the step to the other side where they can begin to understand what it is like to be a teacher, and why it is so important to teach what we learn. It helps for not only understanding the importance of this class, but also in learning in all other classes
Structure and moving forward.
The ESLP will grow and evolve, and next year may even be an intersystem program between UCs and CSU's. Having it be a student program allows for interconnections that would never be possible with administration. The program is constructing advisory boards, and already planning for next year. One other most important part is to have well documented information and make sure that

#55 Much to be done
At this point I need to finish up the part on my own practice of sustain myself during my college carrier, I need to finish each sub section on the ESLP program, I need to go into extensive detail on interdependence and deep ecology, go through examples of principles and concepts, and then I am done, except for the executive summary and the introduction...?conclusion. So I still have quite a bit of work to do. I hope that I can get this done soon and off to Steve. In fact I do believe I can do this by tonight. I just need to get started on every part.

#56 Introduction to Conscious Shifting ( humans as part of nature, Deep Ecology) (1 page) systems, Hope, interdependence, intention (This might be the first part of the next section
The main thing connecting us all is our interdependence to the earth, all living species, natural resources, and each other on this planet. You are, therefore I am, is the foundation for understanding that we are only a creation of what is aground us, and vice versa. It is not enough to say that a tree should not be cut down because that will limit our oxygen, or that it looks pretty to us, or that it has a type of animal in it that we like to eat. We must respect organic life and energetic life in and of themselves. WE must love and want to not cut down the tree simply because it is and is beautiful.
Open Systems & Interdependence
We must understand open systems and holistic systems in there interconnectedness. We must build structures and ways of life that increase connection and interaction between all species, cultures, and realms of life. Currently our society has been built and thought to our children as a closed system, with different aspects of our world being separate and fragmented from one an other. It is crucial to limit fragmentation and understand the interrelation of all ideas and beings.
One of the Underlying aspects of our society and the conscious chance which is taking place, is bring back hope to each and every person, and child. Beyond all other problems in our world, hope is needed to bring understanding and happiness.
It is not enough to just do things that you believe are right, or that because it is the only way we know how to do it. With every action we must bring intention into our lives. What is intention. Intention is believing in what we do, that that what we do will make a difference. Believing that what we do is going to make a difference in the world.
This section is going to need a little more research for example into what Saticsh and Starhawk said during their lectures, as well as William waterway. One thing I remembered about satish was about Trust!
What are all of the types of conscious changes taking place?: Consciousness, changing, systemic shift, paradigm shift, fundamental shift, foundation shift.. All of these are important aspects of our world and are needed to be used.
Obviously I'm a little out of it

#58 Money in the community movement
For the first time in my life I have begun to experience the problems associated with having lots of money within an organization. It is so hard when it deals with people, and how relationships can completely change when money is involved. I believe it is so important for people to realize the increasable magnitude of having economic sustainability. It is often overlooked, and I am discovering that it is one of the fundamental flaws with our society and is when all aspect including the global government and ooil stugles. GREED sums up the concept. I believe I need to put in my thesis a general explanation of how the sustainability triad, Economic, Environmental ,and Social Justice relate to Sustainable Living. Maybe it could be part of the section and come before the principles. The key with money is the process in which it is dealt with, especially within organizations or businesses.

#59 Definition of Sustainable Living in relation to triad
creating processes which outline the need for justice in all monetary transactions to bring life to our communities, species, and planet. Measured in Currency: $...
Environmental- Understanding hour owr decisions affect our surrounding environment of our recion and the entire glob through affects to the land, soil, air, water, and the earthly conscious spirit of thriving live on this planet. This can be measured through area, miles squared, and volume, cubed
Social-Understanding the process in which we work with all human cultures, species and societies, ecosystems of life. Measured in lives, eyes, and people.

May 31st

#60 CSSC Convergence
This weekend I went and helped facilitate the CSSC convergence. It was amazing and reassured me of the wonderful things that are going to happen in California. I got many ideas about implementing sustainability, but I wasn’t able to be involved with the ESLP program because of the need to help with the Green Building implementation. In all it was very helpful to go, but I didn't get done on my thesis. I hope that I will get through a lot tonight. I wish I could get a good rough draft together to give to my students tomorrow just as their papers are dew.

#61 Introduction to the Sustainable Living in the Education System section
The introduction to this section should lay would how important it is to incorporate SL into the entire education system of our society. It should be part of every major and a major itself.
Our societies educational system is at an evolutionary turning point, similar to the paradigm shift of consciousness. The way in which we teach our children has been changing drastically with increased standardized testing. The methods for teaching children in will continue to change drastically and by bringing Sustainable Living into the classroom we are able to increase the activity, involvement, and engagement of students into every aspect of their own education. The case study, which evolved from the movement, is the Education for Sustainable Living Program (ESLP), started in Spring 2004, which is a student run, student taught class, lecture series, and seminar simultaneously administered at five UC campuses.

June 2nd

#62 Intention
What we do is not of as much concern as to our intention that we use with every action in our lives. An action taken with intention gives it purpose and brings meaning. You can write a plan all you want, with details unto how you will carry out your project, yet unless you have a plan with a purpose and vision to guide it your attempts could be fruitless. There is no need to do something that you do not indent for approve of, especially when taking action because there isn't enough time to do something right. Truly believe in what you do, and allow a community to build along with your actions.

#63 Hope
Hope is the thread that holds our world toegheter.Hope is what keeps people going, persistent, and keeps people from quitting. It is the bond that brings all ability for us to continue living and pass on our knowledge to future generations. Nurture even the slightest figment of hope as a tiny seedling. Hope leads to creating an atmosphere of care/comfort needed to evolve.

#64 Trust
In order to find trust, we look inside ourselves and connect to the universe. Satish Kumar walked with a friend from India to London, and the Washington DC. He had no money and no food , just his trust that the universe would guide him well and the world would provide for his needs. I we trust ourselves and our communities we will have our needs met and be able to evolve.

#65 Time
Time is like magic, it can be an eternity or a blink of an eye. This kind of Time, which we will give a capitol T, is very different from our concept of time within clocks and schedules. Our society has thought us that time is linear. As the fourth dimension, real Time, enveloped through a Mandela of consciousness and attention within the present moment, defines our three dimensional world. Every action we take takes affect instantaneously and the ripples all occur in the present moment.

October 31st

#66 Academia & the Movement’s Vision
Some progressive academics believe that the current societal paradigm that we exist in now, defined by huge environmental catastrophe, has been caused not by “stupid” people, but by well educated academic graduates. As academia has the same fundamental roots it did hundreds of years ago, some are now waking up and realizing that the only way to change the course of our society is by changing what has lead it astray in the first place; our education methodology. Professors across the United States & Canada are already working with organizations like Second Nature and students to unite universities everywhere as a multi-billion dollar industry with billions in investments.  The vision is in sight to have a coalition that stretches beyond the university system, and connects with industry and government programs to expand the ideas and experiments being attempted within campuses to city programs to save energy, resources, and improve the quality of life.  The leaders of the academia level are professors linked up with professional organizations with high-level links with Democratic administrations. John Kerry himself was co-founder of Second Nature and with people like Denis Kucinich tilts the Democratic Party toward sustainability. If the American people can sustain a Democratic administration in the white house, we could see massive sustainability and Sustainable Living vision implemented on a international level that has already been laid with the Talloires Declaration, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Agenda 21 UN Sustainable Development programs.

November 13th

#67 Understanding Balance
I have learned so much about balance throughout my life.  But it is so hard to narrow down and explain the principle of balance in a simple paragraph.  In eastern culture the term balance is a science and everlasting art that has infinite levels and details within.  Western culture has made the word static and dull.  Its meaning is singular and standard.  Balance is endlessly fluctuating and evolving.  Balance is the fundamental essence of change.  The oxy moron of balance is that there really is no single balance that is reached, it is only an imaginary point or shape that serves as an oscillating magnet.  We cannot hold ourselves strong and steady in a straight, balanced, line.  Only when we release and extended through our problems does balance truly take shape because through our release we are able to sway and morph to what we encounter.

November 15th

#68 Coming to a Close
Meeting with Joyce Rice today to finalize what I needed to do to actually turn in my senior thesis was interesting.  First I learned that there was a lot more to it than I had already thought, and as well I only need one blinded copy instead of three.  Secondly we had some discussion about how putting so much energy in to one place makes you feel when leaving and moving on.  It brought up some interesting feelings, and I’m not sure what to think about them exactly, but I definitely don’t have a need to be overwhelmed.  In many ways I feel like I will always be here, weather I am or not.

#69 Bibliography or No Bibliography?
One of the items which is supposed to be included with my senior thesis is a bibliography.  Unfortunately I really don’t have a bibliography to provide because all of the information was gathered independently from meetings, lecturers, classes, friends, family, and on and on.  Although there are books that I could list, they would not be a technical bibliography reference from my work.  My work is pretty much my work alone, and my research was experiential working with hundreds of people. Looking up sustainable Living doesn’t give you much to work with.  It would be worth it to have a list of all the references that could be research though to see what other people are doing.  Unfortunately this has little to do with what my experience has been.

November 16th

#70 Plan For Feedback
Getting Feedback and creating a plan for how to incorporate that feedback is very important.  What is the Final Outcome?  What Do I want people to do with my paper.  Do I want them to agree to it by consensus?  Do I want them to work towards agreeing to it by consensus?  Is my paper supposed to be the all in one clearing house for Sustainable Living understanding?  How can I ensure that the input gets incorporated?

November 23rd

#71 Reworking the Presentation Sum-up
Through the application of Sustainable Living, the union between the realms of sustainability and life, we can change the way in which we understand the world individually and create an action oriented approach to improve our society. By bringing Sustainable Living into the classroom, we are able to increase the activity, involvement and engagement of students in every aspect of their own education. When engaging students in a coordinated effort to improve the community, they become immersed in experiential learning. Core ideas have developed from a unique cultural evolution involving a collective movement.  The foundation of Sustainable Living can be condensed into a few principles and concepts, which can be practiced through our daily lives and used for decision-making. They can help us understand the importance of balancing our thoughts, emotions, and actions that affect the world. Sustainable Living and the concept of sustainability allow us to explore beyond the confines of our educational experience and into any aspect of our life experience as well.

#72 Re-working the Basic Conclusion
The only way to change the course of our society is by changing what has led it astray in the first place:  our education methodology.    Sustainable Living provides an opportunity to shift our education, and as the union of sustainability and life, it becomes the study of sustaining life. The foundational principles are: balance, spectrums, intention, hope, trust, and time.  The foundational concepts described include the cycle of production, the cycle of education, collaboration, physical, mental, and spiritual health and safety, releasing, forgiveness, gardening and common sense. Sustainable Living is only one aspect in a greater understanding of our world. Community itself or community organizing, could separately be looked at in more detail along with many other realms of life.  Everyone will find their own actions to incorporate Sustainable Living into their unique experience and take it upon themselves to reorganize their relationship to the world and actively revitalize and energize their surroundings.

#73 Building a sustainable living space in your Home or room
It is a very important intention to create sacred space within your surrounding areas.  I myself have started spending more time cleaning and decorating although I would like to spend a lot more time the little time that I have spent has helped my spirit and body have more energy and feel better being at home and getting work done.

#74 Kinship
Kinship is the concept of going beyond stewardship of the land where we see ourselves as the overseer of the land and director of restoration and improvements of the ecosystem.  With Kinship we see ourselves as part of the environment and we are part of the ecosystem being steward by a higher force.  We play a part in bring balance to our space and we have as much to learn from our surroundings as we can provide to them.

#75 Information Sharing Evolution
Sharing information is one of the most important activities there are and evolution of information sharing and communication is on the brink of a massive shift.   Everything and everybody share information in the point of view of their own existence.  So it is also true with documented history that it is always in the perspective of the person who writes it.  Is there a way to create the ability to store information in a way that it can be easily formatted in a way that can easily be reorganized to bring the point of view of the observer.  It was not possible to do this in the past, but now with computers it is as simple as a matrix. Everyone can create their own matrix, and as long as there is a translation vocabulary, similar to a language dictionary, the information can be exchanged between as many spectrums and methods of organizing the information as there are created.

#76 Next Journal after this one
After this journal on sustainable living, I will start a new journal with a much bigger concept of my life in general, but not just a life journal. It will be what I had originally expected this thesis to be on. At the moment what I am calling this is the Community L.I.F.E. Network. I have already stared a life journal, and I am not sure if that will be what evolves into this, but I do know that it will cover every realm that I work with, as well as interrelate how other people experience the world.  In the next paper that is created from that journal, there will be explicit descriptions and ideas on the natural order of life and the balance of everything.  In the appendices there will be information on all the information that I have been working on in the past years from all the realms of my life, not just Sustainable Living Work.

#77 Original Closing:
This experience has been an amazing one, and I feel very excited to continue this project beyond the confines of my college educational experience and into the rest of my life.  I thank again the amazing people that have guided me on my path.  I can now happily say that I can move beyond the second part of my project and although I will always come back to it, it will no longer be the focus.  The focus will be much greater on the bigger understandings of all the realms of life and the balance of everything including Time.